Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Some days you do, and some days you just have to.

Oh, excuses. 

Today, I have a million. Or at least 2 very valid reasons as to why I couldn't and shouldn't go to the gym. 

Excuse #1
Yesterday, I met up with my friend Kay. Kay is a wonderful woman who heals my knotted-up muscles when I've my shoulders are at my ears with tension and my type-AAA personality, etc. Truly, she is a god among men. Anyway, I go in and tell her that I'm hurting, my back and my muscles and have I told you I've been working out, yadda, yadda, yadda. She says to me, 'Ok baby, shut up and hop up on this table so I can fix it.'
Fix me, she did. I felt like a million and a half freakin' dollars yesterday. What she neglected to tell me was that this morning I was going to feel like I'd been run over by a 650 pound man trying to get the very last warm donut that would ever come off the line at Krispy Kreme. This morning, I was so sore that when the carb-induced fog I went to sleep in lifted, I hurt. And I mean, the hurt woke me up and wouldn't let me go back to sleep. So I took some ibuprofen and greased myself up with some Tylenol Precise Gel (which is great by the by) and tried, in vain, to go back to sleep. It didn't work. So, I've battled severe muscle and tissue inflammation and pain today. Wah, waaaaaaaah. (That is my attempt at the sad sound effect you hear when someone on a game show loses.  Just so we're all on the same page here.)

Excuse #2
Our small town had a main pipe (or two?) burst. There is no water here. And by no water, I mean none. They've completely cut us off like Kourtney Kardashian should've done to Scott Disick a long time ago. I digress. So, my second excuse is that I couldn't shower if I went to work out! I mean, I have to work tomorrow and take care of patients! I can't smell. That would just be... so unprofessional on soooo many levels. (See how I tie things together to make them more and more relevant so I don't go to the gym? Fat girl mentality.)

Loooooong story short, I went. I went to the freakin' gym. Not because I wanted to, not because Corey made me, but because I told you I would. Working out isn't fun, it wasn't designed to be fun. But as long as I am doing something, I feel better. (I also felt better when I ate that chocolate donut this morning, but that is totally besides the point. ...but it was fresh and delicious and the chocolate to dough ratio was just perfect. No one will understand this better than my best friend.)

So, what are your excuses for not going? Do they change day-to-day? Mine sure do. But it's my mind over my matter. And I decided that I matter. And you do too.

So that's your bulge for today, now here's your bling.

My unfinished Burlap and Bling Christmas tree! I bought this tree at the good 'ole KMart last year for a steal. I know it was under 30$, prelit! Man, what a deal. So, it's our second tree this year, but my favorite. Christmas should be in every room, just like it should be in every heart. Awwwww..... you're welcome for the heart-warmingness of that last comment.

Please note, this tree is in an unfinished state, but to me, it's brilliant. Way more gorgeous in person, so come see!

Thanks for sticking with me today. Until tomorrow, I'll still be Cheery and Chubby,


  1. Love the tree!! I'm calling you next week when I come back. We have much boozing and schmoozing to do.
